Tuesday, 25 September 2012

My First Type Design Illustrations

My first go at creating images/drawings in this type design style for my Typography project.
All drawings are done by hand in a black ballpoint pen.
This one I cut out as I was playing with the medium.

More info and work for this project;
                                                    Foundation Journal Day 1&2
                                                    Foundation Journal Day 4
                                                    Writing In Wire
                                                    My Pinterest

And Please Do Leave A Comment.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Writing In Wire

Writing in wire, words illustrating their meaning. 
Starting to look down the route of semiotics, this is all for my Typography project.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Foundation Journal Day 4 Drawing With Stitches

Day 3 was last Thursday and I only had an Introduction to Art History. I have switched classes to the afternoon so that I can work as Artist in Residence at Trinity School (my old school).
I am working there every other week on Thursday and Friday, it's  every other week because they have a two week time table. I have just found out I am going to be working with year 7s with the title Kitsch.
My friend (a graphic designer) gave me a book on Type Design which can be included as a form of Typography. I think Type Design is more the direction I would want to take my project.

Day 4 Monday 14th

We used sewing as a drawing technique today, but I didn't manage to go on the sewing machine so I just did it by hand. My practical teachers for the next month or so as both designer and so we're exploring different conceptual techniques from their subjects. I experimented by sewed over a photocopy of one of my drawings from Day 2 and the final images came out of the back of the paper. It wasn't as good as it could have been, I definitely want to               try using a machine at some point.

I am putting it up on the web as just an experiment, would love to know what people thought as I may not carry it on if people don't seem that interested. Would love to hear critics and feedback, so please do leave a comment bellow.

Click for Day 1 & 2

Sunday, 16 September 2012

My Book Art Displayed at Trinity

Photographs of my book art from my show at Trinity. All of which have been created for the project title of Combinations & Alliances, this lead me on to explore the combination of art and the written word. Quite a lot of my work was based on Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland and many other children's stories. 

Other posts about my Book Art and my show My First Post , My First Houses & My Obsession With Book Art

For more photographs and info look at my other blog post or My Pinterest

Please do comment (to comment click on post e.g. the title).

Saturday, 15 September 2012

My First Houses

I have decided not to have my third blog - My Obsession With Book Art, as it hasn't got many view which is largely down to me not putting a lot up onto it. I am not deleting it straight away but putting the posts from it up on this blog to see what response I get.
So please let me know what you think.

My First Book Paper Houses AS (First year of A Level) 2011. They are made from book pages,

covers and sealed with wax.

Foundation Journal Day 1 & 2

I have just started my foundation course and have been asked to keep a journal for the entirety of the course. I am putting it up on the web as just an experiment, would love to know what people thought as I may not carry it on if people don't seem that interested. Would love to hear critics and feedback, so please do leave a comment bellow.

Day 1 Tuesday 11th

Worked hard, did quite a few drawing exercises which I had done before but never all in the space of one day and as many times. Exercises such as Blind Drawing and Continuous Drawing. Became a bit difficult but nothing completely new just concentrated. Found 10 images for research the night before which was what I drew from, have to find 10 more photographs or objects for tomorrow.

Day 2 Wednesday 12th

Becoming more comfortable with the drawing exercises, finding it hard naturally to draw big (A2). Happier with my work by the end of the day, not sure if my research is any good. I have found quite a few photographs/images now and also an old bottle with Lightning Cough Cure embossed on it, an Iron Fist label and a dictionary. Understanding the drawing award better now (which is what all of this is towards) but finding it all quite physically hard.

Forgot to say - The research project, everyone was given a library book number and told to go find their random book/s, and that would be our starting point. Mine was Experimental Typography and Working With Type 5 Exhibitions. Really not sure about it.

My drawing after the first day.

My favourite drawing, done at the end of the two days.

My drawings from day 2.

Would love to hear critics or feedback, so please do comment or email.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Alternative Self Portrait

Alternative Self Portrait by J C Claxton
Alternative Self Portrait, a photo by J C Claxton on Flickr.
Part of a final piece - An Alternative Self Portrait.
Aspects of my identity listed in and separated into groups such as physical aspect.
The bottles are kept inside this cabinet representing me as a whole.

More on this piece look at Alternative Self PortraitPinterest Alternative Self Portrait and Pinterest - My Final Show